This is where it starts. Welcome to the zero-th episode of the Open Source Creative Podcast. This is a weekly show wherein I speak about doing creative work (writing, computer graphics, traditional art, design, etc.)… with a slightly more specific leaning towards doing that work with free and open source software.
Show notes for this one are a bit sparse (hey, I’m just starting out here). The main thrust of this episode, aside from introductions and what-not, is a rational justification for using free and open source software to produce creative works… and why “because it’s free” isn’t the best reason (or really a good reason at all). I also go on a slightly ranty tangent on why artists would do well to learn a bit about coding.
Intro and outro music was produced by Sam Brubaker. Go check out his stuff.
That should about cover it. Let me know what you think and how I can make this show better.
Dave, Aug 29, 2014
Nice pilot podcast effort. I look forward to more episodes. Will you be posting a RSS feed link or some such to place this in my podcast client?
Jason, Aug 30, 2014
Thanks! The feed should be at, but that currently returns a 404 page. There’s something wonky going on with category pages in WordPress. Will investigate.
Jason, Aug 30, 2014
Little update: that link to the feed works now. Wahoo!
I’ll add a more convenient link to it on the main podcast page.
Greg, Aug 30, 2014
Great idea to do it during your commute, it’s always such a waste of time. And a really entertaining podcast actually, looking forward to next weeks one!
Jason, 30 Aug, 2014
Thanks! It was a lot of fun to make, too. I figured that since I was talking to myself on the commute, I may as well record it… then at least I can rationalize that I’m not really a crazy person mumbling in his car. :)
fredric, Aug 30, 2014
Jason, nice to see a podcast on creative free software! That’s really where I live (so to speak). I’m into Gimp, Inkscape and Synfig these days, though I did spend a lot of time learning Blender.
I use free software because it frees me from being dependant to a company for versions, file formats and just the complications of installing software on multiple platforms and such.
I find free software simplifies my work environment. I also edit my svg files with python and javascript too. love it.
I’ve been using free graphics software for ten years now. So I’m looking forward to see where you will take this podcast.
Jason, Aug 30, 2014
Absolutely! Being free from vendor lock-in is huge. I’m actually now a bit disappointed that I didn’t bring that point up and talk about it more. Thanks for mentioning it here.
And thanks for listening. I’m curious to see where I take this podcast, too.
cameralibre, Sept 9, 2014
I’m looking forward to hearing more!
You mentioned you would like to find FLOSS recording solutions on Android – try uRecord, it’s quite simple, but records uncompressed wav files – unfortunately for me there’s no 48 kHz option for use with video, but 44.1 should serve your purposes fine.
Jason, Sept 9, 2014
Oooh! Thanks for the heads up. I’ll be sure to check it out.
Jim van Hazendonk, Dec 21, 2015
Found my way here somehow when looking for some support on the blenderartists forum. Guess I found another website with very interesting content to listen to :)
Seems procastinating and random clicking can bear fruits after all huh.
I agree with all you said though. Im also a fervent Open source user. I find it funny when I talk about for example blender… that people that don’t even know it want to compare it to some random non-free “comparable” software… and most of the time say that it can’t be that good… since its free. Its only when I show them what I did so far that they try to fond excuses why they said that :)
thank you for this podcast. I really enjoyed it.
“I make stuff. I make stuff up. On occasion, I stuff-up what I make. I don’t do much stuff with make-up… though I’m not above trying. I work in all kinds of media: words, animation, ink, coffee, wood, video. And, of course, I’m really passionate about open source and open content, so that’s what I talk about in this show. Books I’ve written and other creative experiments I’ve made can be seen on”