Hi there! In this episode I talk at length about another little distraction that I’ve had over the last year… a little feature request site for Blender called Right-Click Select. But, that’s just the launch point. What this episode is really about is the best way to make feature requests in an open source software community (like the Blender community). I also make a few flubs, but hey… that’s pretty much on-brand for me now, right?
Here’s a few links to things I reference in the show:
caetano, Dec 13, 2016
Do you have some examples of features that were added thanks to rightclickselect.com ? (I say “thanks to” to exclude any happy coincidence of a feature that was added and also happened to have had a rightclickselect proposal)
Much more importantly : have you really had all these beards and haircuts at some point in time ?
Jason, Dec 13, 2016
Good question! I would need to look into that (the Right-Click Select thing). Part of the vision for the site is to have tighter integration with developer.blender.org, specifically so people can see when an idea on RCS migrates to a design issue on developer.blender.org. I just need to make the time (and perhaps get a bit better at web development… or find someone who already has those skills) to add that feature in.
As for the hair/beards question… yes. I’ve worn all of those… plus a few additional ones. I should probably update that GIF. The whole history of them can actually be seen on my Facebook page. I tend to update the drawing when I make a change. :)
caetano, Dec 13, 2016
That’s a great plan. I wish you to become a badass web developer and considering how active you are on the web, I feel like it would be the best solution in the long term, although I don’t know your plans for the future.
Too bad I can’t access the photos since I don’t have a facebook account, I’ll have to use my visual imagination.
Jason, Dec 13, 2016
Ha! It’s unfortunate that, although I’m interested in web development in general, it’s not a core focus of mine. I tend to hack on things until they work. In the long run, I’ll probably need some help to give that site all of the love that it deserves.
Huh… I thought those images were publicly visible. Guess I’ll have to make a page/gallery here that’s dedicated to them.
*caetano**, Dec 13, 2016
yeah, facebook won’t let you see some things anyway when you don’t have an account.
“I make stuff. I make stuff up. On occasion, I stuff-up what I make. I don’t do much stuff with make-up… though I’m not above trying. I work in all kinds of media: words, animation, ink, coffee, wood, video. And, of course, I’m really passionate about open source and open content, so that’s what I talk about in this show. Books I’ve written and other creative experiments I’ve made can be seen on monsterjavaguns.com.”