#32 The Website Lives!

Posted on Wednesday, Mar 15, 2017
Woohoo! Opensourcecreative.org is up and alive for your listening and browsing pleasure. Bathe your earballs in its magnificence! Also… let me know if anything isn’t quite working right. This week’s show is all about the site’s migration, what I used to make it, and hopefully an option or two on what you should do if you need a website of your own. Use the cool listen-y widget thing to hear all about it (unless you got this through your podcatcher, in which case, use that).

Show Notes

That’s right! We’ve got ourselves a website. Thanks again everyone for helping choose this domain. I think opensourcecreative.org is going to be a fantastic home for this podcast and the other fun things that I’ve got brewing. But how about we actually talk about what’s in this show, yeah?

I’ve migrated all of the old podcast episodes from monsterjavaguns.com/podcast, including all of the comments on episodes there. The older shows are still listed back on that site for now. I’ll probably end up setting up some permanent redirects from those episode pages to the ones here.

And in this episode, I talk about why (and how) I’ve chosen to use a static site generator (Hugo in this case) to manage the site rather than using WordPress, as I have on so many of my other sites in the past. Static site generators offer a number of really nice benefits… and Hugo isn’t the only one out there. You may also want to check out Jekyll and Hexo as other options.

Also, since I’m using Hugo to generate the pages of this site, I can’t use the Blubrry PowerPress plugin that I was using on my WordPress site. Fortunately, I’ve found a nice podcast-oriented theme for Hugo called castanet by Matt Stratton of the Arrested DevOps podcast. I’ve of course made my own minor customizations to it (the repo is on my GitHub page), but it’s got good bones and it’s been a pleasure to work with so far.

Of course, this means that I’ll probably need to update the text of Episode 29: The Making of a Podcast… at least to link to this episode and the details here since the part on distributing to the website has now changed. I’ll get to that shortly.

I also mention in the show that the Open Source Creative now has its own Twitter account over at @osscreative. It had to be the short version of the name. Apparently “opensourcecreative” is too many characters for a username on Twitter. In any case, go ahead and give me a follow there if your the Twittering type.

And last of all, the commenting system on this new site is served using the Disqus service. Most people (I think) already have a Disqus account. That being the case, you should be able to make a comment on this episode right below this text right here. Go ahead and do it so I know it actually works. :)

Alright… that’s that. See you next week!


Jason van Gumster

Jason van Gumster

“I make stuff. I make stuff up. On occasion, I stuff-up what I make. I don’t do much stuff with make-up… though I’m not above trying. I work in all kinds of media: words, animation, ink, coffee, wood, video. And, of course, I’m really passionate about open source and open content, so that’s what I talk about in this show. Books I’ve written and other creative experiments I’ve made can be seen on monsterjavaguns.com.”